Admit it, we all love to see what other people carry in their bags.
This is my purse. It's a Coach Madison bag of some sort that I bought at the factory store back in April. In this picture, it's sitting where it does a lot of the time: the passenger seat of my Beetle! (:
So this bag has two large compartments (the front and back) with an additional zippered pocket separating the two. There is also a small zippered pocket in the back section of the purse, while the front compartment has two slip pockets.
All of it.
The front section holds my (matching) wallet and camera. In the summer, my sunglasses case is usually in there too. One of the slip pockets holds Chapstick (green apple), my library card, my name tag for the Y, and a Vera Bradley Clip Zip ID in Java Blue, which contains loyalty cards and coupons, along with an old ID (my temps, haha). The other slip pocket holds my earbuds and my iPod when it is not in use.
The separating pocket contains my checkbook (in a Vera Bradley Very Berry Paisley cover), a small notebook, a pen, and sometimes some paperwork.
The back section holds an umbrella (Totes, with purses on it - which my grandma gave me for my birthday), a car charger for my phone (belongs in the glove compartment of my car...), and my keys (on a Vera Bradley lanyard in Rhythm and Blues) unless they are in use. The zippered pocket in the back holds an extra key to my car, a compact mirror, extra camera batteries, lip gloss, work keys, 5 gum (RPM), and Drenched in PINK Fresh & Clean supersoft body lotion.
So, what's in your bag?
{Part Two}
Linked up with Ricci over at a beautiful mess
I love your bag. It's gorgeous and black goes with everything
ReplyDeleteI seriously LOVE your bag!!! I need one that has compartments :) and I'm loving all of your Vera Bradley!!!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for linking up today!!
Your bag looks so organized!! I'm jealous!