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Thursday, June 4, 2015

22/52 2015

and the craziness begins in 3... 2... 1...

here are some pictures of the semi-calm before the storm. I didn't realize how many of these I was in until I put the post together, because I had downloaded and chosen photos from my camera a few times this week!

Thursday May 28 // day one hundred fifty-eight :: this might be my new favorite shirt. {here it is from ModCloth}

Friday 29 May // day one hundred fifty-nine :: of course there is a story for this picture. May 29th was a hard day for me a few years ago, so the past two years I decided to change that and get a tattoo on that day. well, this year I didn't have time for a new tattoo, so I used this non-permanent one from Tattly instead. my plan was also to have some whiskey after work. the only whiskey I had had at this point was Fireball and Jameson, and my friend who initially made me drink the Jameson hates it, so I decided to try some other kinds. I tried the regular Jack Daniel's and I absolutely hated it! {also, because I don't drink a lot and this was actually the first time I had bought alcohol, I didn't realize how much this actually was! haha.}

Saturday 30 May // day one hundred sixty :: you know I loved this book.

Sunday 31 May // day one hundred sixty-one :: lunchtime.

Monday 1 June // day one hundred sixty-two :: got my ring cleaned! (: do you know how weird it feels to take a picture of your right hand when that's usually the hand holding the camera?!

Tuesday 2 June // day one hundred sixty-three :: I love updating my phone and computer wallpapers each month with new backgrounds from May Designs!

Wednesday 3 June // day one hundred sixty-four :: I was at the bridge to take some pictures for a 50th wedding anniversary, and then I had to go back to get some just of the bridge because I was there. (:


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